How much is my divorce going to cost?
There are many variables that drive the cost of a divorce. The parties have the most control over the bottom line. The cost of the process can be contained if you can agree on major issues such as custody, financial support and asset division. Less fighting means more cost savings.

Can I pay a flat fee for my divorce?
Yes, we work with clients to contain the cost of the divorce process and prefer flat fee arrangements whenever possible. We also offer pay-over-time plans and accept credit card payments.

What are the advantages of a flat fee agreement?
In addition to knowing what your costs are likely to be upfront, working on a flat fee basis also allows important communication to happen without the constant worry of accumulating legal fees.

Can the court remove my spouse from the marital home?
The standard is very high for the court to allow a Motion to Vacate. The court must find, after a hearing, that the health, safety or welfare of the moving party or any minor children residing with the parties would be endangered or substantially impaired by a failure to enter such an order. Although living in the same house may be exceptionally stressful and tense, without clear evidence that the situation warrants removal, judges are very reluctant to force a person from their home.

Does my Mediator also have to be an Attorney?
No. However, an experienced Family Law Attorney has the necessary, practical experience of working directly with the court system that will highly increase the likelihood that you will obtain a fair and equitable agreement. This is imperative if the court is to accept your agreement and grant your divorce.

Will my interests be protected in the Mediation process?
Yes. The most important step in the Mediation process is for the Attorney to discuss the issues with the parties and determine that the Mediation process is truly an appropriate vehicle.